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 - GPU/ CPU µî Database
 - Article Database/ Desktop Graphics Card Comarison Guide

1 ¸Þ¸ð
2 Identify the Pixel Shader version of your graphics card
4 Nvidia
5 Nvidia Geforce FX 5900 (128MB)
6 Nvidia Geforce FX 5600 Ultra (128MB)
7 AGP 8x: MSI FX5200 (MS-8911/ 128MB)
8 AGP 8x: ATI Radeon 9600 XT (RV360)
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1 ¸Þ¸ð #

ROPs = Raster·¡½ºÅÍ Operations¿ÀÆÛ·¹ÀÌ¼Ç PipelinesÆÄÀÌÇÁ¶óÀÎ
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= Render·£´õ Output¾Æ¿ôDz UnitsÀ¯´Ö

NvidiaÀÇ Geforce FX´Â ATIÀÇ Radeon 9x00 ½Ã¸®Áî¿¡ ³»ÁÖ¾ú´ø VGA 3D °¡¼Ó¼º´ÉÀÇ ¿ÕÁ¸¦ µÇã±â À§ÇÑ ¾ß½ÉÂù ¸ñÀûÀ» °®°í 2003³â 3¿ù Ãâ½ÃµÇ¾ú´Ù. ÇÏÁö¸¸ Geforce FXÀÇ Ã¹ Å×ÀÙÀ» ²÷Àº FX 5200Àº Geforce4 Ti¿¡ ºñÇØ ÇöÀúÈ÷ ¶³¾îÁö´Â ÆÛÆ÷¸Õ½º·Î ºñ³­¹Þ¾Ò°í, FX 5800Àº ÁÁÁö ¸øÇÑ ¼öÀ²°ú ¹ß¿­·Î Á¦Ç° °ø±ÞÀÌ ¿øÈ°ÇÏÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù. °Å±â´Ù FX 5800Àº ±âÁ¸ VGA¿Í´Â ´Ù¸£°Ô DDR-II ¸Þ¸ð¸®¸¦ ÀåÂøÇÏ°í ÀÖ¾úÁö¸¸ ¸Þ¸ð¸® ¹ö½º°¡ 128bit·Î ÇÑÁ¤µÇ¾î ÀÖ¾î ¸Þ¸ð¸® ´ë¿ª ¸é¿¡¼­ ATI Á¦Ç°¿¡ ºñÇØ ºÒ¸®ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

ÀÌ¿¡ Nvidia´Â FX 5800À» °ú°¨È÷ ÅðÃâ½ÃÅ°°í FX 5200/5600/5900À̶ó´Â »õ·Î¿î ¶óÀξ÷À» ±¸¼ºÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±×¸®°í °¢ Á¦Ç°¸¶´Ù ÀÏ¹Ý ¹öÀü°ú Ultra ¹öÀüÀ¸·Î ÆÛÆ÷¸Õ½º¿¡ Â÷µîÀ» µÎ¾ú´Ù. ¿¹¸¦ µé¾î FX 5600ÀÇ °æ¿ì GPU/Memory Ŭ·°ÀÌ 325/550Àε¥ ¹ÝÇØ FX 5600 UltraÀÇ °æ¿ì 400/ 800À¸·Î, ÀÏ¹Ý ¹öÀü¿¡ ºñÇØ ¿ùµîÇÑ ¼º´ÉÀ» ±â´ëÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.(¿¹¿ÜÀûÀ¸·Î FX 5900Àº 3°¡Áö·Î ±¸ºÐµÈ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù)

ChaintechÀÇ FX71Àº TITLE¿¡¼­ ÁüÀÛÇß°ÚÁö¸¸ Geforce FX 5600 Ultra GPU¸¦ ÀåÂøÇÏ¿© FX 5600 Á¦Ç°±º Áß¿¡¼­´Â ÃÖ°íÀÇ ½ºÆåÀ» °¡Áø VGAÀÌ´Ù. GPU/Memory Ŭ·°Àº 400/800 Mhz·Î ÀÏ¹Ý FX 5600 º¸´Ù ¿ùµîÇÏ´Ù. Chaintech FX71ÀÌ ¾î¶°ÇÑ ¼º´ÉÀ» ¹ßÈÖÇÒÁö, ¸¹ÀÌ ±â´ë°¡ µÈ´Ù.


Current graphics cards have 32MB to 256MB of RAM on them, either SDR (single data rate) or DDR (double data rate). Any serious gamer these days should be able to afford a 64MB card, if not one of the awesome 128MB cards. DDR RAM is RAM that moves twice as much data in a single clock cycle as SDR RAM or 'normal' RAM, meaning that 100MHz DDR RAM is just as fast as 200MHz SDR RAM (ignoring latencies and such). This has taken graphics cards to new heights because an increase in the RAM clock speed results in a double performance increase for DDR RAM! Fast-paced 3D games (as if there's any other kind of game show the biggest performance gain with DDR RAM because of the speed required to render all the frames of animation. I suggest a DDR-based graphics card because game performance is much better and price isn't much more than SDR.

The 'graphics processor unit', coined by NVidia after the CPU or main computer processor, is a good term for the number-crunching chips on current graphics cards. Past graphics cards used a basic collection of transistors for hardware acceleration of 2D and 3D images, but current graphics cards use full-blown processors that are about as powerful as a Pentium4!

2 Identify the Pixel Shader version of your graphics card #

Pixel Shader 1.0/1.1 (DX 8.0)
nVidia GeForce 3 series

Pixel Shader 1.3 (DX 8.0a)
nVidia GeForce 4 Ti/ 4200 Go series

Pixel Shader 1.4 (DX 8.1)
ATI Radeon 8500-9250 series

Pixel Shader 2.0 (DX 9.0)
ATI Radeon 9500-9800, X300-X600 series
Intel GMA 900/950/3000/3100 series

Pixel Shader 2.0a (DX 9.0a)
nVidia GeForce FX 5000 series

Pixel Shader 2.0b (DX 9.0b)
ATI Radeon X700-X850 series

Pixel Shader 3.0 (DX 9.0c)
ATI Radeon X1300-X1950, nVidiaGeForce 6 et 7, Intel GMA X3000 series

Pixel Shader 4.0 (DX 10)
ATI Radeon X2400-X2900, nVidia GeForce 8 et 9 and GT200, Intel GMA X3100, X3500, X4500 series

Pixel Shader 4.1 (DX 10.1)
ATI Radeon HD 3000-4000 series and Nvidia GT 300, GT 220, GT 240 series

Pixel Shader 5.0 (DX 11)
ATI HD 5000/,6000 nVidia GT400 and GT500 series

3 ATI #

Radeon 7000 Series
256-bit GPU, 0.18 or 0.15 micron process, 30 million transistors, 128-bit or 64-bit memory bus width, hardware DVD decoding (with ATI's special DVD player), 350MHz RAMDAC, and 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536.

Radeon 7000 - 0.18 micron process
183MHz GPU core speed, 32MB or 64 MB of 183MHz RAM (128-bit SDR or 64-bit DDR)
183 Megapixels per second, 550 Megatexels per second
14 million triangles per second
2.9 GB per second memory bandwidth
One pipeline with 3 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: This is clearly the lowest-end graphics card that ATI offers and it shows! With less power than the feeble GeForce2 MX 200, this card is only for those who want better graphics performance than onboard video for their older games.

Radeon 7200 - 0.18 micron process
166MHz GPU core speed, 32MB or 64MB of 166MHz RAM (128-bit SDR)
333 Megapixels per second, 1 Gigatexel per second
25 million triangles per second
2.7 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 3 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Slower than the 7000 in pure speed, but having the full two pipelines sure does boost performance! And that performance isn't bad, just not up to snuff for the latest games.

Radeon 7500 (RV200) - All-in-Wonder, 0.15 micron process
260MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 180MHz DDR RAM (360MHz effectively)
520 Megapixels per second, 1.56 Gigatexels per second
40 million triangles per second
5.8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 3 textures per pipeline
Dual 400MHz RAMDAC
S-Video, Analog/Component video ports, in and out
- Recommendation: No Firewire ports like the Radeon 8500DV A-i-W, but analog ports are sufficient for such a low price and they both share two of the fastest RAMDAC's I've seen on a consumer-level graphics card, so keeping that MPEG-2 video file at full frame rates should be no problem. Memory bandwidth suffers yet again, but compared to the 7000 and 7200 this All-in-Wonder has what it takes to play games rather respectably! This AIW is suitable for user who want do some video editing.

Radeon 7500 (RV200) - 0.15 micron process
290MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 230MHz DDR RAM (460MHz effectively)
580 Megapixels per second, 1.74 Gigatexels per second
45 million triangles per second
7.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 3 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Performance of this card can compare with GF 2 card, but I think GF 2 still win in games performance

Radeon 8500 Series (R200):
256-bit GPU, 0.15 micron process, 60 million trasistors, 128-bit memory bus width, hardware DVD decoding (with ATI's special DVD player), 350MHz RAMDAC, 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536, and HRAA capabilities.

Radeon 8500DV - All-in-Wonder
230MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 190MHz DDR RAM (380MHz effectively)
1.08 Gigapixels per second, 2.17 Gigatexels per second
62.8 million triangles per second
6.1 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
Dual 400MHz RAMDAC
S-Video, Firewire/IEEE 1394, and Component video ports, in and out
- Recommendation: The memory bandwidth on this 8500 suffers severely compared to standard specs. However, this graphics card is an 'All-in-Wonder' so video input/output and manipulation are its thing; again, take a look at the speedy dual RAMDAC's. And it does it well, especially with a much needed Firewire port for digital cameras and camcorders. As I already said, the AIW card is good to some video editing user.

Radeon 8500LE
230MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 230MHz DDR RAM (460MHz effectively)
1.08 Gigapixels per second, 2.17 Gigatexels per second
62.8 million triangles per second
7.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Almost a contradiction in existence, the 8500LE is a value graphics card based on a top-of-the-line GPU! For those who can't afford a full-powered 8500 but want their vertexes shaded a la DirectX 8.1, the LE version may be for you.

Radeon 8500 (original)
275MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 275MHz DDR RAM (550MHz effectively)
1.3 Gigapixels per second, 2.6 Gigatexels per second
75 million triangles per second
8.8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Now known as the 'original' 8500, the 64MB version is certainly powerful enough to handle any game on the market. And of course, that nifty DirectX 8.1 support makes everything look all pretty . This card already replaced with rebatch card. Radeon 9100.

Radeon 8500 128
275MHz GPU core speed, 128MB of 275MHz DDR RAM (550MHz effectively)
1.3 Gigapixels per second, 2.6 Gigatexels per second
75 million triangles per second
8.8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: With twice the video memory of the 'original' Radeon 8500, which should prove useful for this summer's programmable shader games, this is the current top dog in ATI's pack. Current games show almost no performance gain with 128MB of video memory, but then again current games have little to no programmable shader support, either. I will say this is the best budget graphic card for gaming. The performance is in the middle of TI & GF3

The Radeon9000/Pro
275MHz for RADEON 9000 PRO and 250MHz for RADEON 9000, 64MB or 128MB of DDR (550 MHz), 64MB version: composite or s-video connector
128MB version: composite connector, 1.1 billion pixels per second, 43 million triangles per second
DirectX 8.1 programmable pixel and vertex shaders, 1.4 pixel shaders, 1.1 vertex shaders,
400MHz Dual integrated DACs
Four programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: It is clocked @ 275/275 or 250/200. Performance is faster than GF4MX440 but 1-10% slower than Radeon8500. 1GHz or more cpu needed to bring out full performance. For me, people who want buy new GF4 MX card, better grab this card because it can beat GF MX card easily especially Radeon 9000pro

The Radeon9500Pro
275 MHz engine clock, 64Mb DDR or 128MB DDR (pro), 400 MHz DACs, 1.1 Gigapixel/s Fillrate, 2.2 Gigapixel/s (pro), 540 MHz memory speed, 128-bit DDR memory interface,
AGP 8X support, Direct X 9 card.
1x/2x/4x/8x, 8.8 GB/s memory bandwith
Eight programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Same GPU as the Radeon9700, the R300, but it is only clocked @ 275/270. 128bit , it is basically the same as the Radeon9700 except with less bandwidth. It performs around the speed of a GF4 Ti4400 normally, but may outperform the Ti4600 sometimes. When Aniso & FSAA is applied, it is faster than the Ti4600 though. I will say this is the best direct X 9 budget card in the market now. This is the best!! Unfortunenly this card will dies when new Radeon 9600pro available in market to replace it.

The Radeon9700Pro
325/310 clock, 128MB DDR memory, 256-bit memory interface, 8-pixel pipeline architecture, AGP 8X,
DirectX9.0, 19.8GB/s of bandwidth
Eight programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
-Recommendation: So, I will say this is the best card in in the market before avaibility of FX 5800 & Radeon 9800pro. Offers performance 100-200% faster than the GF4 Ti4600 when aniso and aa is on and usually at least 30% faster than GF4 Ti4600. CPU must be as fast as possible. Anything slower than 1GHz is better off using other cards like the GF4 Ti4200 or Radeon8500 other than this. The non pro version is slightly slower as it runs at a lower clock.

Radeon 9200/pro (RV280)
250 core clock, 250(500) mhz memory, 4 rendering pipelines, AGP 8X, 128MB of DDR memory, Support for a 128MB frame buffer, Dual integrated DACs, 128-bit, Direct X 8.1, 0.15 micron
Four programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
RADEON 9200 PRO DVI/VGA/Video-out
RADEON 9200 VGA/RCA/S-video, 400MHz
Four programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: The 128MB card has the same performance as the RADEON 9000, and it makes no sense to rename the card because of the born-dead AGP 8x function

Radeon 9600/pro
400mhz coreclock, 300Mhz (600 DDR),4 rendering pipelines, AGP 8X, 128MB of DDR memory,
0.13 Micron, 256bit, 9.6 GB/s memory bandwith, 1.6 Gigapixel/s fillrate,
1x/2x/4x/8x, Direct X 9, New smoothvision 2.1
Four programmable pipelines with 1 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Well, some time this card give performance slower than Radeon 9500, but this card will replace the Radeon 9500 card. So can say this only rebatch of Radeon 9500 card. If compare with 9500pro, this card more high in core clock & memory clock, but only have 4 pixels pipelines. Maby this make it slower than Radeon 9500pro.

Radeon 9800pro (R350)
380/340 core clock, 0.15 micron, 256-bit DDR/DDR2, 128/256MB Memory (680Mhz), 107 Million transistor, 21.8 GB/s memory bandwith, 3.04 Gigapixel/s pixel fillrate, 18.2 Billion AA Samples/s AA fillrate, 380 M Triangles/s, 1x/2x/4x/8x, 2.8ns memory,
Eight pixel pipelines and four vertex shader units.
- Recommendation: This is a another good graphic from ATI, no overheat problem & silent card. But it outperform not lot of difference with 9700pro. So I will suggest user who already have the Radeon 9700pro better hold that budget first & wait for the new incoming card.

4 Nvidia #

GeForce2 Series: 256-bit GPU, 0.18 micron process, 25 million transistors, 64-bit or 128-bit memory bus width, 350MHz RAMDAC, and 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536.

GeForce2 MX 400 (NV 11)
200MHz GPU core speed, 32MB or 64MB of 166MHz 6ns DDR RAM (64-bit bus width, 333MHz effectively)
400 Megapixels per second, 800 Megatexels per second
25 million triangles per second
2.7 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: The MX 400 is still the best of the GF2 MX series, but the only one I'm still recommending to anyone who plays modern 3D games. One look at the specs and you'll know why, but mainly it's because you can pick up a retail version for about the cost of the latest game; ONE GAME, quite a steal for any graphics card.

GeForce2 Ti (NV15) (Titanium)
250MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 200MHz 5ns DDR RAM (400MHz effectively)
1 Gigapixel per second, 2 Gigatexels per second
31 million triangles per second
6.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: If you don't want the humiliation of having a low-end card but are still strapped for cash (and willing to hold out on DirectX 8/8.1 until the majority of games use it), then this would be the card for you. More than acceptable performance for all games, as long as you can do without anti-aliasing.

GeForce4 MX Series (NV17)
256-bit GPU, 0.15 micron process, 29 million transistors, 128-bit memory bus width, 350MHz RAMDAC, 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536, and HRAA capabilities. Warning! Although the GeForce4 MX series has a '4' in its name, it is not related to the GeForce4 Ti GPU's at all, and is, in fact, merely a replacement for the GeForce2 MX series of GPU's. No programmable pixels shaders or DirectX 8 support. Actually all MX family is a GF 2 base card that come with high core clock & memory only. IMHO, this is another worst card form Nvidia.

GeForce4 MX 420
250MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 166MHz SDR RAM
500 Megapixels per second, 1 Gigatexel per second
31 million triangles per second
2.7 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: As a replacement for the GF2 MX series, this one rocks the house! Hindered by memory bandwidth, yes, but nonetheless impressive for its price. You could probably even play the latest games... at 1024 x 768 or lower, however.

GeForce4 MX 440
270MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 200MHz DDR RAM (400MHz effectively)
550 Megapixels per second, 1.1 Gigatexels per second
34 million triangles per second
6.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: A value card with full 128-bit DDR memory? Gaming on the cheap has never been this good! For a little more green than the MX 400 you can now get about 4 times the performance. This was pretty much inconceivable a year ago, when the GeForce2 Ultra was still the king. One of the famous budget card in Low Yat. But if user have some more knowledge about graphic card will choose Radeon 9000.

GeForce4 MX 460
300MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 275MHz DDR RAM (550MHz effectively)
600 Megapixels per second, 1.2 Gigatexels per second
38 million triangles per second
8.8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Better than the MX 440 (and possibly the GF2 Ti), to be sure, which says a lot, but the current pricing scale leaves much to be desired! It's difficult to justify the cost of this value, non-vertex shading, lack of performance kind of graphics card & still Direct X 7 card.

GeForce3 Series (NV20)
256-bit GPU, 0.15 micron process, 60 million transistors, 128-bit memory bus width, 350MHz RAMDAC, 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536, and HRAA capabilities.

GeForce3 Ti 200
175MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 200MHz 5ns DDR RAM (400MHz effectively)
700 Megapixels per second, 1.4 Gigatexels per second
80 million triangles per second, 2.8 billion anti-aliased samples per second
6.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
2X and 4X FSAA up to 1024 x 768
- Recommendation: An itty-bitty value version of the standard GF3. Despite its specs, the GF3 is designed to be more powerful than a GF2 (or GF4 MX) of similar speed and can make better use of memory bandwidth. Excellent performance for intense gaming, excellent mid-range price

200MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 230MHz 4ns DDR RAM (460MHz effectively)
800 Megapixels per second, 1.6 Gigatexels per second
92 million triangles per second, 3.2 billion anti-aliased samples per second
7.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
2X and 4X FSAA (see below) up to 1024 x 768
- Recommendation: The hottest buzzwords in the graphics market today are "programmable vertex shading" Anyone who owns the original GF3 has never regretted the purchase

GeForce3 Ti 500
240MHz GPU core speed, 64MB of 250MHz 4ns DDR RAM (500MHz effectively)
960 Megapixels per second, 1.9 Gigatexels per second
109 million triangles per second, 3.8 billion anti-aliased samples per second
8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
2X and 4X FSAA up to 1024 x 768
- Recommendation: These 'Ultra' versions are usually the first to go! By that I mean the new 128MB graphics cards (such as the GF4 Ti's) have pretty much taken over the market formerly held by the GF3 Ti 500. Not that this is a bad card anymore, just that its price/performance ratio has been shot to swiss cheese! If you see one of these cards, make sure it's the same price as a GF4 Ti 4200, otherwise I recommend you skip it.

GeForce4 Ti Series (NV25)
256-bit GPU, 0.15 micron process, 63 million transistors, 128-bit memory bus width, dual 350MHz RAMDAC, 3D imaging capabilities up to 2048 x 1536, and HRAA capabilities. Notice the dual RAMDAC? The GF4 Ti GPU has built-in support for an extra monitor or LCD screen by default! The GF4 Ti GPU also includes another programmable vertex shader, bringing the total to two (the GF3 had one).

GeForce4 Ti 4200
250MHz GPU core speed, 128MB of 250MHz DDR RAM (500MHz effectively)
900 Megapixels per second, 1.8 Gigatexels per second
102 million triangles per second, 3.6 billion AA samples per second
8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: NVidia didn't just set another generation speed record! And here I thought that it was supposed to take a year to come out with another GPU! This is the best card for mid range user.

GeForce4 Ti 4400
275MHz GPU core speed, 128MB of 275MHz DDR RAM (550MHz effectively)
1.1 Gigapixels per second, 2.2 Gigatexels per second
125 million triangles per second, 4.4 billion AA samples per second
8.8 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Next in line we have the mandatorily faster, higher model numbered bigger brother of the 4200, the 4400! I think we're starting to leave the Radeon 8500 128 behind!

GeForce4 Ti 4600
300MHz GPU core speed, 128MB of 325MHz DDR RAM (650MHz effectively)
1.2 Gigapixels per second, 2.4 Gigatexels per second
136 million triangles per second, 4.8 billion AA samples per second
10.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
Two programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Even it one of the high end card from nvidia, but did'nt support direct x 9.

GeForce FX 5200/Ultra
325Mhz GPU core speed (225-275Mhz non ultra), 64 or 128MB 325MHz (650MHz effectively)
(400mhz non ultra)1.3 Gigapixels per second,
81 million triangles per second
10.4 GB per second memory bandwidth
350 RAMDAC, 0.15 micron, 8x card, Direct X 9
Four programmable pipelines with 2 textures per pipeline
- Recommendation: Well, the new card from nvidia.This cards sometimes lose, sometimes win. Many of you compare this card with TI 4200. I will say this is a MX 440 card that just come with some extra features (non-ultra). Maby this card can boost more performance when play a direct X 9 game especially when enable the anisotropic & AA. But it this card can give enough core/memory clock for playing high end game still is a question mark.

5 Nvidia Geforce FX 5900 (128MB) #

6 Nvidia Geforce FX 5600 Ultra (128MB) #

Codename NV35 NV31

- AGP interface
- 4x/8x AGP supports

- nVIDIA GeForceFX 5600 Ultra


General features
- 0.13u process technology
- 128-bit memory interface
- 256-bit graphics architecture
- 400 MHz engine clock
- 800 MHz memory clock
- 400 MHz internal RAMDAC
- 88 Million vertices/ sec
- 1.4 Billion texels/ sec fill rate
- 12.8 GB/sec memory bandwidth
- 4 pixels per clock rendering engine
- 16 texels per pixel with 8 textures applied per clock
- CineFX Shading Architecture
- 128-bit studio-precision color
- High-performance, high-precision 3D rendering engine
- High-performance 2D rendering engine
- Intellisample Technology
- Advanced Display Pipeline with full nView Capabilities
- Digital Vibrance Control (DVC) 3.0
- NVIDIA nView multi-display technology
- Unified Driver Architecture (UDA)

7 AGP 8x: MSI FX5200 (MS-8911/ 128MB) #

Graphics Processor Properties:
Video Adapter MSI FX5200 (MS-8911)
GPU Code Name NV34
PCI Device 10DE / 0322
Transistors 47 million
Process Technology 0.15u
Bus Type AGP 8x
Memory Size 128 MB
GPU Clock 250 MHz
RAMDAC Clock 350 MHz
Pixel Pipelines 4
TMU Per Pipeline 1
Vertex Shaders 2 (v2.0)/ Pixel Shaders 1 (v2.0)
DirectX Hardware Support DirectX v9.0
Pixel Fillrate 1000 MPixel/s Texel Fillrate 1000 MTexel/s

Memory Bus Properties:
Bus Type DDR
Bus Width 128-bit
Real Clock 202 MHz (DDR)
Effective Clock 405 MHz
Bandwidth 6480 MB/s

Graphics Processor Manufacturer:
Company Name NVIDIA Corporation
Product Information
Driver Download

nVIDIA GPU Registers:
nv-000000 034200A2
nv-100000 00000000
nv-100200 19C10011
nv-10020C 08000000
nv-101000 A0C0E08B
nv-680500 00012502
nv-680504 00000F01
nv-680570 00000401
nv-680574 00000401
nv-68057C 80000701

8 AGP 8x: ATI Radeon 9600 XT (RV360) #

Graphics Processor Properties:
Video Adapter ATI Radeon 9600 XT (RV360)
GPU Code Name RV360
PCI Device 1002 / 4152
Transistors 76 million
Process Technology 0.13u
Bus Type AGP 8x
Memory Size 256 MB
GPU Clock 500 MHz (original: 500 MHz)
RAMDAC Clock 400 MHz
Pixel Pipelines 4
TMU Per Pipeline[/b 1
[b]Vertex Shaders 2 (v2.0)
Pixel Shaders 1 (v2.0)
DirectX Hardware Support DirectX v9.0
Pixel Fillrate 2000 MPixel/s
Texel Fillrate 2000 MTexel/s

Memory Bus Properties:
Bus Type DDR
Bus Width 128-bit
Real Clock 297 MHz (DDR) (original: 300 MHz)
Effective Clock 594 MHz
Bandwidth 9504 MB/s

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March, 2025

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last modified 2011-04-14 14:02:16
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