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Graphical Smileys #

To insert a smiley, just type in your favourite from the list below. They're only converted to an icon though if they are surrounded by whitespace.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

Examples #

Markup Image Filename Markup Image Filename Markup Image Filename
:) :) smile.gif {_s} {_s} jtj_s.gif \?/ \?/ icon-question.png
B) B) smile2.gif {_r} {_r} jtj_r.gif /!\ /!\ alert.gif
:)) :)) smile3.gif {_-} {_-} jtj_-.gif <!> <!> attention.gif
;) ;) smile4.gif {_o} {_o} jtj_o.gif (!) (!) idea.gif
:D :D biggrin.gif {_n} {_n} jtj_n.gif {i} {i} icon-info.png
<:( <:( frown.gif {js} {js} sourceforge-16.png (_cb) (_cb) checkbox.png
X-( X-( angry.gif {ja} {ja} andstuff-16.png (_cr) (_cr) checkbox2.gif
:o :o redface.gif {ju} {ju} uploads-16.png (_cmb) (_cmb) checkmark.gif
:( :( sad.gif {OK} {OK} smile/thumb-up.gif (_cmr) (_cmr) checkmark2.gif
:-) :-) 8-).gif {NO} {NO} smile/thumb-down.gif (+) (+) club_plus.gif
;| ;| ;-l.gif {_exe} {_exe} smile/jtj_exe.gif (-) (-) club_minus.gif
:I :I 8-I.gif {_zip} {_zip} smile/jtj_zip.gif (f_op) (f_op) folder/folderopen.gif
:| :| 8-l.gif {X} {X} icon-error.png (f_wr) (f_wr) folder/write.gif
|-| |-| l-l.gif {1} {1} prio1.gif (f_no) (f_no) folder/node.gif
|-I |-I l-I.gif {2} {2} prio2.gif (f_ln) (f_ln) folder/lastnode.gif
:-X :-X 8-x.gif {3} {3} prio3.gif (f_nl) (f_nl) folder/vertline.gif
:-@ :-@ 8-@.gif (f_nn) (f_nn) folder/nullnode.gif
:p :p 8-p.gif
:^) :^) 8^).gif
:_) :_) 8_).gif
:-S :-S 8-S.gif
:-> :-> 8-v.gif
:-9 :-9 8-9.gif
:*) :*) 8star).gif
:-$ :-$ 8-%24.gif >:> >:> v8v.gif
:-? :-? 8-question.gif @) @) @-).gif
$-) $-) %24-).gif -_- -_- --.gif
%-) %-) %25-).gif ;; ;; ;;.gif
%-^ %-^ %25-^.gif ^^ ^^ ^^.gif

Extensions #

Markup Image Filename Markup Image Filename Markup Image Filename
{da} {da} da-16.png {de} {de} de-16.png {en} {en} en-16.png
{es} {es} es-16.png {it} {it} it-16.png {ko} {ko} ko-16.png
{nl} {nl} nl-16.png {pt} {pt} pt-16.png {sv} {sv} sv-16.png
{us} {us} us-16.png {zh} {zh} zh-16.png

January, 2025

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Try Essence_Setitem
last modified 2008-06-13 17:22:25
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